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Leaders and the Art of Undoing

“Leaders do.”

“Do what?”

“You know, they do stuff.”

“They get stuff done.”


“See there goes one now, off to a meeting or something.”

“Do they ever stop?”

“I don’t know, it’s kinda frowned upon.”

“Well, how do they know if they’re doing the right stuff?”

“I suppose they get a raise or a promotion.”

“That’s it?”


“If I was a leader I’d stop doing so much stuff.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think there’s too much running around.”

“Um, I don’t think they can just stop.”

“Well, then maybe they should try undoing some stuff.”


When you think about your day today.

And if you were really honest.

How much time was invested in leadership?

I’m sure there was much doing.

Doing and doing.

But how was the leading?

Who did you connect with today?

Who did you serve?


Ok, lots of activity towards goals and results?

Of course, that counts.

But take a closer look.

How much of it was mindless?

Rituals and routines with long-forgotten origins.

Time unexamined.


That most precious and limited resource.

The Art of Undoing requires a new relationship to time.

Be aware that how you live this moment, is how you live your life.

Start to pay attention to now.

“What am I doing now?”

“Is this the best way I could be spending my time?”

Give more weight to your intentions.

More balance to your decisions.

Learn to view time as your guide, not your master.

(Pause: Time as a guide, not a master - how does that change your perspective?)

A few considerations for your to-undo list:

  • Undo Busyness - You can start to undo things that aren’t really contributing to the kind of experience you want for your life. Things that aren’t contributing real value to the people you lead or to the organization. Things that might make you feel better in the short run but leave you exhausted and unfulfilled. You can press the reset button - unpack your schedule, unsubscribe from lists, uninvite yourself to meetings, unclutter your inbox, underperform on the trivial and overperform on what’s meaningful.
  • Undo Noise - As organizations, we can examine the activities, processes, procedures, meetings, etc. that consume our collective energy and creativity. Often we don’t even recall why we started them in the first place. We can undo those activities that no longer make sense. Have an “undoing event” and invite everyone to share ideas on things it’s time to stop. Add “let’s undo that” to your corporate conversations. Reward undoing. You can undo a lot more than you think. Undo until it’s uncomfortable.
  • Undo distractions - Put down the phone. Close the browser. Quiet your mind. Do make eye contact. Do listen. Do focus. Do finish.

Learning to Wait

A short poem from my journal this morning.

I’ve trained my mind to be anxious

always in need of something

always doing

always planning

never quite ready

as though I can be ready

now I learn to wait

to keep this moment nameless

and watch with simple curiosity

the wildflower emerging

from the untilled soil

It is easy to be perpetually distracted. Caught in the trance of thinking, projecting, chasing and judging. Always in a rush to the next thing.

So much so that we miss opportunities, connections, details and even beautiful moments that are right in front of us.

Our experience of work becomes shaped by the fear that we might miss out on something and so we do, in fact, miss out on something.

A few deep breaths, a quieting of our minds, a pause, can calm the waters so that we once again experience the ocean and not just the waves.

  • We can see the struggle in the other person and respond with empathy
  • We can speak words that encourage, connect and inspire
  • We can ask questions that open our minds to new possibilities
  • We can choose to act from our values and our true intentions
  • We can allow what needs to happen, to happen, or the cycle will continue

Sometimes the best answers come from not knowing.

Sometimes the deepest experiences come from not expecting.

Sometimes the right actions come from not doing.

Learn to wait.




Six Attributes of Proactive Leaders


“We are not our feelings. We are not our moods. We are not our thoughts.” ~ Stephen Covey

The world is changing rapidly and leaders face relentless pressure to adapt and meet these new demands. We are expected to step into the fray and guide the organization through a complex maze of choices and risk. Keeping our calm and thinking clearly in the midst of this storm requires inner strength and an open mind.

Press pause.

The first of Dr. Stephen Covey’s well-known Seven Habits speaks to us about how to live more effectively by exercising our power to choose. For many of us, this is a habit that requires a lifetime of practice. The more natural, human response is to slip into reactive and impulsive behavior. When we learn to be proactive in our leadership we develop a greater capacity to adapt and even thrive in the midst of the chaos.

The Six Attributes of Proactive Leaders

  1. Proactive leaders encourage mindfulness.
    Faced with a challenge, decision or difficult circumstance, proactive leaders mind the gap between stimulus and response. They recognize that the greatest power at their disposal is to choose how they see the situation, (assigning meaning), and how they will respond, (right action). They consciously choose what happens next rather than responding based on the immediate impulse or emotion.
  2. Proactive leaders examine beliefs.
    Proactive leaders are self-aware and recognize their internalized expectations about how things should be. They are sensitive to the habits of thought and programmed responses that interfere with the possibility of a clear perspective. They routinely examine these patterns of behavior in light of their values and invite honest feedback from others to expand the choices available to them. Recognizing this natural bias as a struggle that all people share, they are able to view others with empathy. They help the team bring limiting beliefs into the open and challenge the organization to consider and act on new possibilities.
  3. Proactive leaders engage their imagination.
    Leading from our imagination comes naturally, but during our journey into adulthood many of us were programmed to examine our life and work through a rational lens. The proactive leader approaches organizational challenges with an open mind and a willingness to explore “irrational” possibilities. They encourage people to release their creativity and engage in the practice of not knowing. This results in many alternatives that otherwise might be missed. Data is big, but imagination is limitless.
  4. Proactive leaders empower responsibility.
    Leaders who model personal accountability and transparency encourage this behavior in others. They teach responsibility through the consistency of their actions and words. They refrain from blaming circumstances or the behavior of others for the choices they make and communicate this expectation to the team. They naturally balance accountability with understanding and encourage others towards learning and independence.
  5. Proactive leaders envision possibilities.
    A compelling vision provides the fuel that keeps the organization moving forward in the face of difficulty. Proactive leaders recognize that being part of a great story can release the creative potential and determination of the team. They seek to develop a shared story that guides decisions and gives meaning to the work.
  6. Proactive leaders explore connections.
    Proactive leaders see connections where others see gaps. They look for unexpected opportunities to connect people or teams to solve problems or generate ideas. As these new connections are created, they expand the channels for progress in the organization and harness more of the organization’s potential. People begin to see and appreciate the diversity within the team and how each part of the organization is dependent on the others.

All of these attributes begin with our recognition that we have the power to choose. We can press the pause button and access our untapped resources, helping those we serve to do the same.

How will you lead proactively today?


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