Tag: Support

Speaking of Leadership - Words that Connect

“Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds.” ~ Elie Wiesel

One particularly difficult afternoon, a young woman on my team stopped by the office and asked if she could talk. As she sat down across from my desk I immediately sensed that she was hurting. Her eyes were red and wet with ready tears as she held a notebook against her chest in a death grip. Considering how my day had gone so far, I braced myself for a difficult conversation and my imagination began to run wild with various imaginary disasters.

Resisting the urge to start the conversation with the obligatory, “what’s wrong?”, I asked her to relax her body and take a deep breath while I did the same. With this small, calming ritual behind us I looked her in the eyes and spoke these words… “Whatever this is about, remember, I am for you.” These were not rehearsed words, they came into my heart as the words she needed, so I spoke them, unsure of how she might react.

At that moment, that’s all she needed from me, to know that she had an ally, someone who believed in her. She poured out the frustration and fear she felt after a particularly difficult meeting where a project she had labored over for weeks had been dismissed in cynical fashion by a particularly bullying senior executive in the organization.

While the treatment she received was far from appropriate, there were lessons to be learned in how she prepared for the audience and presented her proposal, especially knowing that this individual would be in the room. We worked through the experience together, what it meant and how she might put it to use to learn and grow.

This painful experience happened to her, but it would not define her. She decided to give it a different meaning.

From that point forward I had the honor of mentoring her for as long as I remained at the organization. Her development was a joy to watch and she became a great encouragement to me during our time working together.

I believe the key to our conversation and connection was the power of those three simple words…”I’m for You”.

Words have tremendous power. In particular when they come from someone in authority or for whom we have respect. Successful parents, teachers, and leaders of all types recognize the importance of instilling belief and confidence in the hearts of the people they serve.

Simple, yet powerful words that frame the relationship and provide the foundation for positive influence.

I’m with You. - You are not alone. I will be here to support you.

I need You. - You are valuable. I know this will be better with your help.

I trust You. - You are capable. I know you can do this.

I appreciate You. - You are unique. I am grateful for who you are.

For all of the complexities of leadership with its strategies, decisions, problems and politics it always comes down to this person..in this moment.

When we speak these simple and sincere words into the lives of others we invest in the true purpose of leadership.




Making space for pain…



There’s this thing that happens at work that I find to be unnatural and unhealthy. We experience it as the pressure to be OK all the time. That no matter what’s going on, when we come to work, we should have our happy face on. We should leave the rest of our life and our inner struggles at the door. After all, there is work to do. We’ve got to make a good impression. The boss is watching.

“Don’t let your personal life affect your work.”

We’ve all heard those words at one time or another.

But we aren’t OK. At least not all the time. Sometimes we are really not OK. There are days we are barely hanging on. Whether it’s our health or relationships or finances or just some stuff that has come up, we are hurting, struggling, aching. The thought of the next meeting is enough to push us over the edge, yet, there is no room for our pain. Not here. Not in the office. We learn to compartmentalize our lives and hide our suffering. The pressure to perform forces us to bottle up our emotions and puts even greater strain on an already difficult situation.

It’s as if somehow, because we are bartering the brief hours of our life in exchange for financial compensation, we must automate our thinking and stuff our pain neatly away in a filing cabinet until we return to a place where we can be ourselves. Dealing with the difficulties of being human isn’t permitted on company time.

Wait, is it really that bad?

It’s unlikely that all organizations dehumanize work completely or don’t offer resources to help employees who are struggling with personal difficulties. Many are caring enough to offer a 1-800 number and an EAP program. One could debate whether these resources are offered out of genuine concern or simply out of a desire to keep people working, but they do provide some acknowledgment that these difficulties matter.

To build on this thought, there are no doubt companies, teams, divisions, etc. that have evolved their thinking about work to include the whole person. They have embraced the idea that the workplace can also serve as a supportive community. A place where we don’t have to pretend everything is OK and the work will still get done. These examples, in my experience, are rare.

This is not a suggestion that everyone bring their problems to work and dump them on the team or that leaders become therapists.

The point is that we who are leaders have the opportunity to create a workplace that is both highly functional and deeply caring. We can give people permission to deal with their suffering and offer time and space for them to recover and process their pain. We can listen and be compassionate while maintaining appropriate boundaries. We can share our own stories and let people know us and that we struggle too. The environment we create at work can be a sanctuary of support rather than a prison of isolation.

We can build a community where people feel safe to take off the mask and know that they have people around them who care and who are rooting for them when things are tough. We don’t know if the support they receive at work is the only source of encouragement they have in their life at the time. When people are part of a caring community they ultimately pay it forward to their teammates, to customers and in their daily work.

The pain will come out one way or another. Why not meet it with love, empathy, and compassion?

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