Tag: Purpose (page 1 of 2)

The Inspiring Truth about Leading and Losing


We love winners.

The leaders who made it to the top.

Leaders with a great story.




It’s useful to recognize the positive traits of successful leaders.

But don’t believe all the hype.

Correlation does not imply causation.

Not everyone who succeeds is a great leader.

Many people succeed in spite of their leadership.

Not everyone who fails is a poor leader.

Great leadership doesn’t guarantee a happy ending.


If we choose leadership as a path to success.

Or only when it serves our ambitions.

We’re missing the point.

Leadership isn’t something we put on when it’s convenient.

Leadership doesn’t run from the lost cause.

Leadership doesn’t avoid the long odds.

Leadership doesn’t lay low until the time is right.


For every success story, there are thousands more we’ll never know. Leaders who dedicated themselves to a team, a cause, a company or a dream that didn’t work out in the end. They may have lost the battle, but they can still hold their head high. Despite the circumstances, no matter the frustration or failures, they stayed true to their calling. Giving themselves to the task and to the betterment of themselves and the people they serve. They never surrendered to the situation even when the best they could do wasn’t enough.

If we are too focused on the score, the promotion, the big win, we can lose sight of the real meaning of our work. We can see ourselves as failures if things don’t go our way. But there is only so much a leader can control. Our influence is limited. Our resources aren’t inexhaustible. We don’t always figure it out in time. We’re human.

To be a great leader is to step into the story and rise to the occasion. Making an impact where we can, working with the skills we have and determined to come out stronger.

Regardless of the outcome we can leave things better than we found them. We can help people grow through the experience, we can bring encouragement into difficult circumstances and we can create a foundation on which to build for the future. A future that may be very different from the one we imagined.

And even if we never make the cover of a best-selling book or become the subject of a popular blog post, we can know we made a difference. We were leaders who succeeded not in the eyes of the world but in the building of our character and our courage. Leaders who put our hand to the plow and did the work that needed to be done even if we didn’t reap the harvest.

Leading is a journey.

Sometimes a difficult journey.

Sometimes a lonely journey.

But always an adventure.

There is no promise of where it will take us, but we can trust that in accepting the experience and giving ourselves to the challenge we will know more of life, more of service and more of ourselves.


Believe in the value of your leadership.

Believe in the impact of your leadership.

Believe in the purpose of your leadership.

Believe in them.

Believe in you.

Win or lose.


collections - minding what we gather as we go


with each step

each word

each choice

each action

we build our collections


the accumulation of







stored in our hearts

captured in our minds

collections that we sought

others unintended


we open dusty boxes

hoping that among the old photos

ribbons and scattered documents

we’ll find a treasure

that we can press against our hearts

and smile


something that tells us

the journey meant something

something worth keeping

something worth sharing











have a career

but collect a life

worth remembering


No Time to Rush


You chase what’s next.

And miss what’s here.


You forget that these are real human beings.

That life is happening.

Personal stories are unfolding.

Your story too.

Right now.


Do you see?


Check this.

When you look back on yesterday, what do you remember?

Did anything move your heart?

Did anything change?

Were you living or just making a living?


Life is short.

Shorter than you think.

There’s no time to rush.


What if?

You made it your intention to be present.

To listen deeply.

To open your heart.


Don’t overlook the person who needs your encouragement.

Your support.

Your belief.

Your friendship.


What if?

You chose to be aware of what lies behind the messages.

To recognize the fears behind the conflict.

To feel the wounds that build the walls.

To be a voice of reconciliation.


Don’t hold back the words that need to be said.

Words that clarify.

Words that connect.

Words that heal.


What if?

You laughed a little more.

Cried a little more.

Showed up at someone’s desk.

To bring them the gift of a smile.


Consider this an invitation to a take personal inventory.

To stop for a moment and notice what’s happening to your days.

To notice how you’re spending them.

And who you’re spending them with.

Work time is your life time.

Live it on purpose.


“We feel the demands of our work. We are the leaders of teams, transformers of raw materials, the movers of information, the transporters of goods, the providers of service and

we are much more.”


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