Tag: Influence (page 1 of 3)

The Little Big Things in Leadership


This beautiful comment from Julia Katsivo in response to my post titled “Do You Know Why You Lead?”, inspired this topic.

“For me the answer would be that it’s my nature. As I walk, I nudge, pick-up, lift up, lift off, slap backs and give hugs to those who need a little hope to find the way on their own road again.”

Leadership is a big deal. It must be, right? There are literally thousands, if not millions, of people opining about it every day, myself included.

Most of our discussions about leadership are wound around complex topics like psychology, culture, engagement and authenticity.

We wrestle with the language and actions that produce the outcomes we attribute to effective leadership.

We talk in theories.

We applaud stories of leaders who influence sweeping changes and positively impact business or society and try to understand the techniques that made them a success.

I was reminded through Julia’s comment that leadership can also be simple.

And how easy it is for us to be so focused on all that “important” stuff that we miss the opportunities that are right in front of us.

A smile.

A sincere thank-you.

A kind word.

A shoulder to lean on.

A little laughter.

A moment to listen.

A story to share.

Being present to see these opportunities and act on them can be a challenge when there is so much to do. So many distractions and so many demands.

We have to keep ourselves open…we have to be aware.

These small acts of kindness and connection show us how leadership is naturally expressed.

This is how we influence the lives of the people we serve.

This is how we show love as we lead.

Be intentional about the little things and the big things will follow.

We spend significant time and effort planning our strategy, making our lists, following up on projects and tasks.

Are you making time to lend a hand? To appreciate and value the people you come in contact with every day?

Do you train your mind to listen to your heart so that you see these moments even in the midst of the daily demands you face as a leader?

If you are, I want to encourage you that this is some of the most important work you will do.

If you are not, I want to challenge you to open up to the power of these influential moments.

Because when it comes to leadership…the little things are the big things.

Note: In the spirit of transparency, I’ve republished this post, (with minor edits), as it appeared a few years ago on my previous blog. I had a similar topic in mind for this week and decided, well, I couldn’t think of how to say it any better than I already did. I hope the message still serves.

Leadership ROI


In business, ROI answers the question, “How well has our investment in resources and capital performed over time?”

There are many ways to measure the value of an investment depending on the outcome we are seeking.

As leaders, we can apply this idea to influence.

Have you stopped to consider the return on your influence?

Consider the hours you spend in tasks, conversations, meetings, etc. in an effort to provide the influence that will generate the desired outcomes.

Is it working across the dimensions you feel are most important?

Return on Influence

Return on Influence asks you to carefully consider the impact your influence is having on the people in your organization.

Consider these questions as a starting point:

To what degree do you positively influence attitudes and behavior?

What values are people mirroring back to you?

Are people comfortable speaking to you candidly and openly?

How do people respond to your decisions or direction?

Are people learning and growing in self-esteem and self-confidence?

Add to this list any questions that align with your vision for leadership influence.

“Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” ~ John Maxwell

Why is ROI important?

As leaders we ALWAYS influence. Consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or passively, we are affecting the lives of the people we serve.

The culture we create,

the talent we attract,

the level of engagement we achieve,

the balance of trust,

the underlying confidence inherent to our organization,

are largely the result of our ongoing influence.

This applies to all our interactions, both large and small.

Every moment matters.

We are reinforcing either positive or negative influence.

  • Be intentional - clarify your influence goals, write them down and connect them to desired outcomes.
  • Be specific - map your influence goals to specific behaviors you want to demonstrate.
  • Be aware - pay attention to the impact of your words and actions and how people respond.
  • Be flexible - if you aren’t seeing the results you seek, make the time to assess and adapt your approach.
  • Be personal - apply your influence to the specific needs of individuals, not just the group.
  • Be persistent - there are many influences at work on a person or organization, it will take some time to make an impact.

The compound effect of influence.

Influence has a built-in “pay it forward” function. When you determine to build a positive ROI within your circle of influence, the people you impact are likely going to carry that experience into their own circle, (and so on). This includes other employees, the community, their families and, oh yes, your customers. As your positive ROI increases, it also expands.

This truth also applies to negative influence.

Bottom line.

Influence is how we change the world, one person at a time.

Hazel’s Chair - The Beauty of Simple Human Connections

emilys chair2

This was Hazel’s favorite chair.

My daughter bought it from Hazel at a yard sale.

Just months before she died.

Did she know?

Today, as my daughter applied a new coat of paint,

Hazel was on her mind.

And in her heart.

Hazel always said hello,

And goodbye.

From her back porch, in the chair.

With her small black dog.

Maybe a small quip about the weather,

A brief, cheerful exchange.

These simple moments made a lasting impression.

“Working on it has made me so sentimental about the whole situation. I’m a young woman, decades younger than her with no familial ties or history beyond these greetings but I think about her all the time. It makes me happy to remember her.”

Isn’t that beautiful?

Just a smile and a greeting.

An acknowledgment.

I see you.

Nothing more.

A brief, human, face-to-face connection.

She didn’t like a Facebook post.

Or send an emoticon.

Hazel taught me a lesson.

She reminded me how we complicate what it takes to make a difference.

Or maybe we forget.

Eye contact.

A smile.


Breaking from our busyness and distraction, how simple it is to leave a small impression of happiness in a human heart.

And on the world.


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