Tag: Grace

Leadership Grace

I couldn’t decide if grace was the right word.

But it felt right.

I’m trying to describe leadership that restores.

Leadership that lifts us up.


The kind of leader who senses we’re struggling and asks -

How can I help?

The kind of leader who senses we’re frustrated and says -

Let’s talk.

The kind of leader who senses we’re overwhelmed and says -

I know this is difficult.

The kind of leader who senses we’re hurting and asks -

Are you okay?

The kind of leader who senses our discouragement and says -

Don’t give up.

The kind of leader who senses our isolation and says -

I’m here for you.

The kind of leader who senses our uncertainty and says -

You did great.

The kind of leader who senses our excitement and says -

Go for it.


The kind of leader who does these things -

Even when we feel like we don’t deserve it.

And maybe we don’t.

But they do it anyway.


The kind of leader who senses and responds.

Empathy with action.


Leadership grace isn’t focused on the high performer.

Or the confident go-getter.

Leadership grace sees the quiet and hopeful.

The one who made some mistakes but longs for another chance.


We long for a leader who sees the beauty inside.

Who sees the potential we may not realize.

The dreams we have forgotten.

Who shows us we matter.


And rekindles our imagination.


There is strength in this kind of leadership.

A boldness grounded in love and humility.

It requires taking risks.

A belief in the unique value of every human being.


A belief that we’re all part of a bigger story.


There may be no greater experience in leadership than watching someone emerge from their fears, limiting beliefs and labels and step out into new possibilities.

As they take on new challenges and learn more of who they are and what they are capable of achieving, we get to share in the experience.

Perhaps the most rewarding moment is when we realize they have grown beyond us and we watch with joy and expectation as they set out to make their mark in the world.


And in that moment, we too find grace.

Thanksgiving with a Side of Grace



My simple Thanksgiving gift to you.

A beautiful passage from the book, “The Inner Voice of Love”, by Henri J. M. Nouwen.

“When suddenly you seem to lose all you thought you had gained, do not despair. Your healing is not a straight line. You must expect setbacks and regressions. Don’t say to yourself, ‘All is lost, I have to start all over again’. This is not true. What you have gained you have gained.”

Be grateful for your progress rather than focusing on where you’ve fallen short.

“Sometimes little things build up and make you lose ground for a moment. Fatigue, a seemingly cold remark, someone’s inability to hear you, which feels like rejection; when all these come together, they can make you feel as if you are right back where you started. But try and think about it instead as being pulled off the road for a while. When you return to the road, you return to the place where you left it, not to where you started.”

Appreciate that your setbacks don’t require a start-over.

“It is important not to dwell on the small moments when you feel pulled away from your progress. Try to return home, to the solid place within you, immediately. Otherwise, these moments start connecting with similar moments, and together they become powerful enough to pull you far away from the road. Try to remain alert to the seemingly innocuous distractions. It is easier to return to the road when you are on the shoulder than when you are pulled all the way into a nearby swamp. In everything, keep trusting that God is with you, that God has given you companions on the journey.

Be thankful for the people who are walking by your side.

“Keep returning to the road to freedom.”

This Thanksgiving I encourage you to make time for appreciating where you are in your journey. How much you’ve had to overcome. How far you have traveled.

If you’ve experienced some detours, this is a good time to appreciate what you’ve learned from those experiences. If you are right on track with where you hoped to be, then celebrate! If you are struggling to move forward, show yourself some grace and know that the road is waiting, right where you left it.

This passage spoke to me as I considered how my life has unfolded this year. I hope it will be an encouragement to you too.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with love, hope and gratitude.


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