Tag: Connection (page 1 of 4)

The Little Big Things in Leadership


This beautiful comment from Julia Katsivo in response to my post titled “Do You Know Why You Lead?”, inspired this topic.

“For me the answer would be that it’s my nature. As I walk, I nudge, pick-up, lift up, lift off, slap backs and give hugs to those who need a little hope to find the way on their own road again.”

Leadership is a big deal. It must be, right? There are literally thousands, if not millions, of people opining about it every day, myself included.

Most of our discussions about leadership are wound around complex topics like psychology, culture, engagement and authenticity.

We wrestle with the language and actions that produce the outcomes we attribute to effective leadership.

We talk in theories.

We applaud stories of leaders who influence sweeping changes and positively impact business or society and try to understand the techniques that made them a success.

I was reminded through Julia’s comment that leadership can also be simple.

And how easy it is for us to be so focused on all that “important” stuff that we miss the opportunities that are right in front of us.

A smile.

A sincere thank-you.

A kind word.

A shoulder to lean on.

A little laughter.

A moment to listen.

A story to share.

Being present to see these opportunities and act on them can be a challenge when there is so much to do. So many distractions and so many demands.

We have to keep ourselves open…we have to be aware.

These small acts of kindness and connection show us how leadership is naturally expressed.

This is how we influence the lives of the people we serve.

This is how we show love as we lead.

Be intentional about the little things and the big things will follow.

We spend significant time and effort planning our strategy, making our lists, following up on projects and tasks.

Are you making time to lend a hand? To appreciate and value the people you come in contact with every day?

Do you train your mind to listen to your heart so that you see these moments even in the midst of the daily demands you face as a leader?

If you are, I want to encourage you that this is some of the most important work you will do.

If you are not, I want to challenge you to open up to the power of these influential moments.

Because when it comes to leadership…the little things are the big things.

Note: In the spirit of transparency, I’ve republished this post, (with minor edits), as it appeared a few years ago on my previous blog. I had a similar topic in mind for this week and decided, well, I couldn’t think of how to say it any better than I already did. I hope the message still serves.

Leadership Grace

I couldn’t decide if grace was the right word.

But it felt right.

I’m trying to describe leadership that restores.

Leadership that lifts us up.


The kind of leader who senses we’re struggling and asks -

How can I help?

The kind of leader who senses we’re frustrated and says -

Let’s talk.

The kind of leader who senses we’re overwhelmed and says -

I know this is difficult.

The kind of leader who senses we’re hurting and asks -

Are you okay?

The kind of leader who senses our discouragement and says -

Don’t give up.

The kind of leader who senses our isolation and says -

I’m here for you.

The kind of leader who senses our uncertainty and says -

You did great.

The kind of leader who senses our excitement and says -

Go for it.


The kind of leader who does these things -

Even when we feel like we don’t deserve it.

And maybe we don’t.

But they do it anyway.


The kind of leader who senses and responds.

Empathy with action.


Leadership grace isn’t focused on the high performer.

Or the confident go-getter.

Leadership grace sees the quiet and hopeful.

The one who made some mistakes but longs for another chance.


We long for a leader who sees the beauty inside.

Who sees the potential we may not realize.

The dreams we have forgotten.

Who shows us we matter.


And rekindles our imagination.


There is strength in this kind of leadership.

A boldness grounded in love and humility.

It requires taking risks.

A belief in the unique value of every human being.


A belief that we’re all part of a bigger story.


There may be no greater experience in leadership than watching someone emerge from their fears, limiting beliefs and labels and step out into new possibilities.

As they take on new challenges and learn more of who they are and what they are capable of achieving, we get to share in the experience.

Perhaps the most rewarding moment is when we realize they have grown beyond us and we watch with joy and expectation as they set out to make their mark in the world.


And in that moment, we too find grace.

To Know Me is to Lead Me

Do you see me?

Or do you see a label?

Job title.





Do you care about me?

Do you care about things I care about?

Do you care to make my life better?

Do you give me something worthwhile to believe in?

Do you give me something worthwhile to be part of?

Do you give me a goal I can aspire to?

Before you go labeling this as the childish rant of a self-centered (fill-in-the-generation) er, consider that you are probably asking the same questions. We all do. We may use more high-minded language but at the core we are all concerned with our own well-being, our future, our happiness.

Yes, the real question is…

What’s in this for me?

You won’t get to we until you connect with me.

  • Get to know my story
  • Find out what inspires me
  • Give me reasons to trust you
  • Show faith in me
  • Let me use my gifts
  • Connect me to a bigger story

The contract is changing.

People are becoming less willing to sacrifice a significant portion of their life doing meaningless work in a soul-sucking environment to collect a paycheck so they can spend the leftover time on the things they care about and enjoy.

Life is too short.

If you want people to share their hearts, their creativity, engagement, attention and commitment you have to be willing to go first.

Take the time to appreciate that the people in our organization are struggling to make a life. They are dealing with all the fears, plans, dreams, and struggles that you do.

They’re looking for answers. Looking for options. Looking for connections. Looking for a better future.

Show them a bridge to what’s possible.

When you bring out the best in people.

They’ll bring out the best in you.

And together you’ll bring out the best in the organization.

For more on this topic check out this article from the Harvard Business Review .




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