Tag: choices (page 1 of 2)

This, That or the Other Thing


Many of the decisions we face are presented as either / or.

This or that.

Right or left.

Please choose between the two evils and find the lesser.

A quick assessment of the pros and cons should do the trick.

This is what we are paid to do; we make decisions.

Pressed for time and distracted, we process the transaction.

Push it down the management assembly line.

Gotta keep things moving.

Speed is of the essence.

No time for dilly-dallying.

But it’s a trap.

We confuse action with understanding.

We’re tricked into believing we can see the whole picture.

Sometime later.

When we’re cleaning up the mess.

Once we’ve missed the exit.

And traveled far from our intended destination.

We recall the decision.

How can we be blamed?

Too many choices. Too much to do.

Finding a third alternative is hard work.

It takes courage.

It takes awareness.

It takes curiosity.

It takes persistence.

It takes dialogue.

Moving beyond this or that to the other thing,

Requires a willingness to pause the assembly line.

To recognize there could be more at stake.

To look beyond the transaction to the possibilities.

To be conscious of our limitations.

To consider what else might be true.

To evaluate the long-term effect.

We have to be willing to turn off the autopilot.

Even ignore the GPS.

And use our imagination.



Six Attributes of Proactive Leaders


“We are not our feelings. We are not our moods. We are not our thoughts.” ~ Stephen Covey

The world is changing rapidly and leaders face relentless pressure to adapt and meet these new demands. We are expected to step into the fray and guide the organization through a complex maze of choices and risk. Keeping our calm and thinking clearly in the midst of this storm requires inner strength and an open mind.

Press pause.

The first of Dr. Stephen Covey’s well-known Seven Habits speaks to us about how to live more effectively by exercising our power to choose. For many of us, this is a habit that requires a lifetime of practice. The more natural, human response is to slip into reactive and impulsive behavior. When we learn to be proactive in our leadership we develop a greater capacity to adapt and even thrive in the midst of the chaos.

The Six Attributes of Proactive Leaders

  1. Proactive leaders encourage mindfulness.
    Faced with a challenge, decision or difficult circumstance, proactive leaders mind the gap between stimulus and response. They recognize that the greatest power at their disposal is to choose how they see the situation, (assigning meaning), and how they will respond, (right action). They consciously choose what happens next rather than responding based on the immediate impulse or emotion.
  2. Proactive leaders examine beliefs.
    Proactive leaders are self-aware and recognize their internalized expectations about how things should be. They are sensitive to the habits of thought and programmed responses that interfere with the possibility of a clear perspective. They routinely examine these patterns of behavior in light of their values and invite honest feedback from others to expand the choices available to them. Recognizing this natural bias as a struggle that all people share, they are able to view others with empathy. They help the team bring limiting beliefs into the open and challenge the organization to consider and act on new possibilities.
  3. Proactive leaders engage their imagination.
    Leading from our imagination comes naturally, but during our journey into adulthood many of us were programmed to examine our life and work through a rational lens. The proactive leader approaches organizational challenges with an open mind and a willingness to explore “irrational” possibilities. They encourage people to release their creativity and engage in the practice of not knowing. This results in many alternatives that otherwise might be missed. Data is big, but imagination is limitless.
  4. Proactive leaders empower responsibility.
    Leaders who model personal accountability and transparency encourage this behavior in others. They teach responsibility through the consistency of their actions and words. They refrain from blaming circumstances or the behavior of others for the choices they make and communicate this expectation to the team. They naturally balance accountability with understanding and encourage others towards learning and independence.
  5. Proactive leaders envision possibilities.
    A compelling vision provides the fuel that keeps the organization moving forward in the face of difficulty. Proactive leaders recognize that being part of a great story can release the creative potential and determination of the team. They seek to develop a shared story that guides decisions and gives meaning to the work.
  6. Proactive leaders explore connections.
    Proactive leaders see connections where others see gaps. They look for unexpected opportunities to connect people or teams to solve problems or generate ideas. As these new connections are created, they expand the channels for progress in the organization and harness more of the organization’s potential. People begin to see and appreciate the diversity within the team and how each part of the organization is dependent on the others.

All of these attributes begin with our recognition that we have the power to choose. We can press the pause button and access our untapped resources, helping those we serve to do the same.

How will you lead proactively today?


Revisiting: A Glimpse Into a Life

“I had a glimpse into the life…the person I wanted to be and I was afraid I could never be that.” - Umberto Crenca, Founder AS220

This quote expressed in a powerful story I heard during BIF10, struck me deeply. In a moment of clarity and vision, Umberto saw what he was meant to do and who he was meant to be. Beyond this recognition, he experienced the intense emotional pain that came with knowing the path he was on, the life he had accepted until that moment, would never lead him to that place. He had to make a choice.

This choice. This terrible, life-altering, difficult and beautiful choice.

To see beyond the expectations and obligations placed upon our lives by others, or ourselves, into a life we know we were meant to live. Once we have this vision in our head it haunts us. We may decide “stay the course” or “be responsible”, but the vision will reappear, time and time again. We try to negotiate, set conditions, skirt the border of our vision but we know deep inside the only way to get there is to go all the way, to embrace it fully and trade what we have to go where our heart leads us.

Our life. Our one life.

Can we look fully, unflinchingly on our calling and deny it? So many do. That’s why those who follow their vision become a source of inspiration. We see in their lives what is possible for us. Their stories are filled with wrong turns, false starts and hard experiences, but we never hear them say…”I wish I had stuck to the original plot”.

Every day we have this choice.

We can know what we know. We can honestly evaluate our direction and pay attention to what makes us come alive. We can open our eyes to what is possible and to who we were meant to be and accept the truth. We can wrestle with the choice and seek the courage to act. Then move forward, one step at a time or in a giant leap.

Just move.

Or we can pretend we do not know, make reasons to stay where we are, and try to squeeze some joy out of our quiet desperation. Eventually, the vision will fade, revived occasionally by an unexpected encounter but quickly returned to the hiding place where we keep it safe for someday.

What will you do with your beautiful choice?

This post was originally published in September 2014. As I was reflecting on these thoughts recently I felt compelled to repost them on my new blog in the hope that they will inspire someone who is facing a difficult decision or at a crossroad in their life.

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