Stay on the platform or step out on the tightrope?
Staying on the platform is to believe we can wrestle the uncertainty out of our organization by adding pages to the policy manual, mastering big data and refining processes down to the smallest tasks.
People must be told what to do and how to do it. Don’t leave anything to chance. Don’t step out on the rope until we are absolutely ready. But by then it may be too late.
The other extreme involves jumping out on the rope, ignoring planning, practice or a reasonable safety net in the belief that faith and imagination will overcome our lack of preparation.
Move fast enough and the problems won’t catch up with you. While perhaps more exciting, this is just another form of avoiding reality.
There is a third alternative, to lead in the tension between certainty and uncertainty. While this may seem the harder path, it is the path that embraces reality. Consider how this applies to many aspects of leadership:
- Build deep relationships and let people into our lives or keep them at arm’s length to avoid misunderstanding? Can we be connected and consistent?
- Take risks that may jeopardize our hard-earned success or stick with what has worked? Can we be innovative and intentional?
- Follow our instinct and intuition or move only when all the data is properly analyzed and the unknowns are eliminated? Can we listen to our heart and our head without becoming paralyzed?
- Label every problem so that it conforms to existing solutions or recognize that this situation cannot be addressed using what we know? Can we work within the box and still break it when necessary?
Can we embrace the tension between certainty and uncertainty?
To follow an “either / or” mindset doesn’t work. Too much certainty (control) or uncertainty (chaos) and the organization will suffer. Our leadership will be unstable.
We tend to be biased one way or another depending on how our experience has shaped us and where we feel most comfortable. Some people love the predictability and comfort they find in the illusion of certainty. Others are bored with any lack of movement and seek uncertainty whether or not it serves a purpose.
The challenge is to appreciate that organizations and leadership are unpredictable and messy. Change and risk are part of the deal. At the same time, we can use our creativity and imagination to build information, systems, and processes that improve our chances of success.
Learning to be aware of our need for both certainty and uncertainty can help us navigate the right balance as we lead our organizations across the tightrope.