This post, not surprisingly, came to me as I thought about my family gathering for the holidays and the challenges that sometimes creates with old emotions brought to the surface and the uncomfortable tension that can result. What follows is the little holiday care package I prepared for myself.
“One moment at a time. No expectations.”
Letting myself feel what comes up and meeting the emotion with acceptance and self-compassion.”
“Recognizing what I am experiencing, the story behind it, and choosing my response.”
This led to…
Aware - noticing what’s happening in and outside of me
Acknowledge - naming the emotion I’m experiencing
Affirm - appreciating, with compassion, that the emotion is not right or wrong
Assess - identifying the underlying need that created the emotion
Act - choosing a response that serves this need
Accept - understanding that I’m not in control of what happens next
Learn and repeat.
This also means allowing myself to fully accept and experience the joyful moments.
Perhaps this will be helpful to others during the holidays and into the new year.
Thank you to all who have provided encouragement, support and engaged with me here at Soul To Work.
Wishing you peace and joy.
Please share your thoughts...