Tag: Intention (page 1 of 3)

Leaders and the Art of Undoing

“Leaders do.”

“Do what?”

“You know, they do stuff.”

“They get stuff done.”


“See there goes one now, off to a meeting or something.”

“Do they ever stop?”

“I don’t know, it’s kinda frowned upon.”

“Well, how do they know if they’re doing the right stuff?”

“I suppose they get a raise or a promotion.”

“That’s it?”


“If I was a leader I’d stop doing so much stuff.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think there’s too much running around.”

“Um, I don’t think they can just stop.”

“Well, then maybe they should try undoing some stuff.”


When you think about your day today.

And if you were really honest.

How much time was invested in leadership?

I’m sure there was much doing.

Doing and doing.

But how was the leading?

Who did you connect with today?

Who did you serve?


Ok, lots of activity towards goals and results?

Of course, that counts.

But take a closer look.

How much of it was mindless?

Rituals and routines with long-forgotten origins.

Time unexamined.


That most precious and limited resource.

The Art of Undoing requires a new relationship to time.

Be aware that how you live this moment, is how you live your life.

Start to pay attention to now.

“What am I doing now?”

“Is this the best way I could be spending my time?”

Give more weight to your intentions.

More balance to your decisions.

Learn to view time as your guide, not your master.

(Pause: Time as a guide, not a master - how does that change your perspective?)

A few considerations for your to-undo list:

  • Undo Busyness - You can start to undo things that aren’t really contributing to the kind of experience you want for your life. Things that aren’t contributing real value to the people you lead or to the organization. Things that might make you feel better in the short run but leave you exhausted and unfulfilled. You can press the reset button - unpack your schedule, unsubscribe from lists, uninvite yourself to meetings, unclutter your inbox, underperform on the trivial and overperform on what’s meaningful.
  • Undo Noise - As organizations, we can examine the activities, processes, procedures, meetings, etc. that consume our collective energy and creativity. Often we don’t even recall why we started them in the first place. We can undo those activities that no longer make sense. Have an “undoing event” and invite everyone to share ideas on things it’s time to stop. Add “let’s undo that” to your corporate conversations. Reward undoing. You can undo a lot more than you think. Undo until it’s uncomfortable.
  • Undo distractions - Put down the phone. Close the browser. Quiet your mind. Do make eye contact. Do listen. Do focus. Do finish.

In Love with the Idea

Some people are in love with the idea of being in love.

But they never really love.

Because love is hard work.

Some people are in love with the idea of being a leader.

But they never really lead.

Because leadership is hard work.

Some people are in love with the idea of change.

But they never really change.

Because change is hard work.

We love our ideas.

And neglect to live them.

Ideas are potential energy.

For that energy to be realized,

We must act.

To act, we must move against the current.

The current of complacency, comfort, fear.

Waiting for the perfect time.

The perfect place.

We have to upset our equilibrium.

Take a risk.

Be vulnerable.

Step into the void.

Like the beginning of a race,

Or a mountain climb,

It’s scary,

And exciting.

And then…

It’s pushing through,

The challenges,



Holding on to the idea.

The vision.

Pressing on.

Becoming and becoming.





Step out into love.

Step out into leadership.

Step out into change.

Just begin.

One small act.

And then another.

And don’t stop.


Take an idea from a book you’ve read or a speaker you’ve listened to recently.

Just one idea.

An idea that you loved.

An idea that inspired you.

And just do it today.

Then keep doing it.

See what happens.

You are bringing something new into the world.

Something only you can bring.

An idea shaped by who you are.

Where you are.

The people you contact.

It doesn’t matter if the idea originated with you.

Because you will make it your own.

Stop talking about, dreaming about, and examining your ideas.

Bring them to life.

This, That or the Other Thing


Many of the decisions we face are presented as either / or.

This or that.

Right or left.

Please choose between the two evils and find the lesser.

A quick assessment of the pros and cons should do the trick.

This is what we are paid to do; we make decisions.

Pressed for time and distracted, we process the transaction.

Push it down the management assembly line.

Gotta keep things moving.

Speed is of the essence.

No time for dilly-dallying.

But it’s a trap.

We confuse action with understanding.

We’re tricked into believing we can see the whole picture.

Sometime later.

When we’re cleaning up the mess.

Once we’ve missed the exit.

And traveled far from our intended destination.

We recall the decision.

How can we be blamed?

Too many choices. Too much to do.

Finding a third alternative is hard work.

It takes courage.

It takes awareness.

It takes curiosity.

It takes persistence.

It takes dialogue.

Moving beyond this or that to the other thing,

Requires a willingness to pause the assembly line.

To recognize there could be more at stake.

To look beyond the transaction to the possibilities.

To be conscious of our limitations.

To consider what else might be true.

To evaluate the long-term effect.

We have to be willing to turn off the autopilot.

Even ignore the GPS.

And use our imagination.



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