Category: Awareness (page 1 of 7)

5 Reasons Leaders Should Move Out of the Way

Sometimes leaders get in the way, and when they do, damaging things can happen.

  • They bottleneck decisions - people get frustrated
  • They block communication - people turn cynical
  • They put process before progress - people quit stretching
  • They issue orders - people start resisting
  • They punish mistakes - people avoid creativity
  • They approve everything - people relinquish responsibility

And so on.

When leaders get out-of-the-way, beautiful things can happen.

Think about some of the leaders you’ve admired. Were they in the way? Did people have to go through or around them to get things done? Did they try to control people or outcomes or did they connect with talented people, provide a mission worth achieving, intervene selectively, and move out-of-the-way?

5 Reasons to Move Out-of-the-Way

  1. When you move out-of-the-way, you inspire new leaders. By giving other people room to step up you provide the opportunity for new leaders to rise to the occasion. If you are in the way, potential leaders become frustrated and leave or withhold their potential.
  2. When you move out-of-the-way, you make space for innovation. The best leaders provide a clear vision that inspires and challenges and then allow people to be creative in how to reach the goal. When the leader has all the answers, people stop asking questions.
  3. When you move out-of-the-way, you improve your line of sight. When you step aside and let others take on the challenge, you allow yourself to move around and see the opportunity from different points of view. This enables you to selectively coach, intervene and realign without blocking progress.
  4. When you move out-of-the-way, you create a climate of trust. As you extend trust and act in alignment with your stated values the team not only develops trust in your leadership but also trust in themselves and each other. You are the beacon for trust. People look to you as the example for their actions.
  5. When you move out-of-the-way, you expand your influence. By enabling people to drive the vision forward you multiply the capacity for progress and your efforts have a greater impact. You haven’t stopped leading; you just stop trying to pull all the strings. You’re leading people, not puppets.

Here’s the challenge.

Ask your team if you are in the way, where you are in the way and when you are in the way.

Seek the truth, listen carefully, and take steps to remove the orange cones, flatten the speed bumps, take down the barricades and get out-of-the-way.

You might find yourself wishing you had done it sooner.

As Long as You Lead, Keep Learning How to Lead

Leadership is the gift you unpack every day.

It’s the same but it’s never the same.

Always something new to learn.

Something new to try.

It will surprise you.

Frustrate you.

Move you.

Just when you think you’ve got it sorted out.

It suddenly slips through your fingers.

The answer you had in mind,

Doesn’t work this time.

So you adapt.

You learn.

That’s the nature of life.

“As long as you live, keep learning how to live.” - Seneca

Leadership is not a formula.

Leadership is organic.

What worked for someone else,

Might not work for you.

Or where you are.

So open your mind.

And open your eyes.


Take it all in.

Try to find the path,

That’s right for you.

And right for them.

  • Keep learning how to lead yourself.
    The first and most important part of the journey is growing in self-awareness and building the internal compass and character that will guide you through the experiences you will face. This too is a process that never ends as long as you remain open, flexible and willing to change with each new discovery.
  • Keep learning how to lead others.
    People will stretch you to your limits. They will challenge you, teach you and inspire you. There are endless opportunities to expand your impact and your influence. Because you can’t see yourself clearly, nor fully understand what others feel or need, it is important to pay attention and try to see things from their point of view.
  • Keep learning how to lead the way.
    Take the risk to open up about what you see as possible and beneficial then engage others in sharing their opinions and ideas. With each new attempt at building support and engaging others in a plan to achieve meaningful goals, you will grow in your ability to influence and facilitate change.
  • Keep learning how to lead from your heart.
    Sometimes, what seems like the obvious choice may not be the best choice. You will experience situations where you heart and mind may feel like they are in conflict. Going with your intuition can seem like a risk, and there is no guarantee things will work out, but in the end, you will only learn to trust yourself if you practice following you heart.
  • Keep learning how to lead from your values.
    With every new leadership role, your values will be tested. Count on it. How you respond to each situation, and the choices you make, will impact your credibility, trust, and self-esteem. Sometimes your values may put you at odds with people in authority or with the culture of an organization. This can be among the toughest learning experiences you will face.
  • Keep learning how to lead from your dreams.
    Don’t lose touch with the image of who you want to be and the things you want to accomplish and experience. Take the time to consider how you can weave your life goals into your leadership practice. Share your dreams with those you serve and invite them to share their dreams with you. Learn how helping others reach their dreams will help you reach your own.

As long as you lead, keep learning how to lead.

The Little Big Things in Leadership


This beautiful comment from Julia Katsivo in response to my post titled “Do You Know Why You Lead?”, inspired this topic.

“For me the answer would be that it’s my nature. As I walk, I nudge, pick-up, lift up, lift off, slap backs and give hugs to those who need a little hope to find the way on their own road again.”

Leadership is a big deal. It must be, right? There are literally thousands, if not millions, of people opining about it every day, myself included.

Most of our discussions about leadership are wound around complex topics like psychology, culture, engagement and authenticity.

We wrestle with the language and actions that produce the outcomes we attribute to effective leadership.

We talk in theories.

We applaud stories of leaders who influence sweeping changes and positively impact business or society and try to understand the techniques that made them a success.

I was reminded through Julia’s comment that leadership can also be simple.

And how easy it is for us to be so focused on all that “important” stuff that we miss the opportunities that are right in front of us.

A smile.

A sincere thank-you.

A kind word.

A shoulder to lean on.

A little laughter.

A moment to listen.

A story to share.

Being present to see these opportunities and act on them can be a challenge when there is so much to do. So many distractions and so many demands.

We have to keep ourselves open…we have to be aware.

These small acts of kindness and connection show us how leadership is naturally expressed.

This is how we influence the lives of the people we serve.

This is how we show love as we lead.

Be intentional about the little things and the big things will follow.

We spend significant time and effort planning our strategy, making our lists, following up on projects and tasks.

Are you making time to lend a hand? To appreciate and value the people you come in contact with every day?

Do you train your mind to listen to your heart so that you see these moments even in the midst of the daily demands you face as a leader?

If you are, I want to encourage you that this is some of the most important work you will do.

If you are not, I want to challenge you to open up to the power of these influential moments.

Because when it comes to leadership…the little things are the big things.

Note: In the spirit of transparency, I’ve republished this post, (with minor edits), as it appeared a few years ago on my previous blog. I had a similar topic in mind for this week and decided, well, I couldn’t think of how to say it any better than I already did. I hope the message still serves.

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