Month: July 2015 (page 1 of 2)

The Temptation To Take - Six Ways Leaders Create Relationship Debt


“Never put yourself in a position where you can take from these men.”

Captain Winters, from the HBO Series -“Band of Brothers”

It’s easy to slip into taking.

In the scene where the above quote occurs, Captain Winters is commenting to one of his junior officers about playing poker with the soldiers under his command. When the junior officer asks why the big deal and states that he is just trying to build rapport with his men, the captain replies:

“What if you win?”

Be careful what you take from your team. Over time, a pattern of taking can deplete morale, damage trust, and spawn passive aggressive behavior.

Six Ways We’re Tempted to Take

Taking credit - accepting the praise for an accomplishment or idea that really belongs to the team.

Taking advantage - putting too much burden on a stronger team member or expecting long hours and extra effort without consideration for personal lives.

Taking for granted - failing to acknowledge the efforts of the team or appreciate the behind the scenes, consistent work that keeps the organization humming.

Taking control - taking responsibility away from the team to show them how it should be done or to come to the rescue.

Taking a back seat - expecting the team to take on a challenge the leader is not willing to join or take risks the leader is not willing to accept, failing to lead by example.

Taking heart - depleting the confidence and trust of the team through inconsistency, manipulation, and criticism.

You may not think a little taking here and there will have any real impact, but eventually you will find yourself buried in relationship debt and under water with your team. Before you give in to the temptation to take, consider checking in with the question, “what is my real intention and how will my actions impact this person or the team?”

Leadership is an act of service and leaders at their best are a source of energy, encouragement, growth, and appreciation.

Focus on giving to and caring for your team and they will respond in kind. Tend towards taking and you may gain in the short-term but you will lose in the end.

Your comments, feedback, and stories are welcome and appreciated.

No Time to Rush


You chase what’s next.

And miss what’s here.


You forget that these are real human beings.

That life is happening.

Personal stories are unfolding.

Your story too.

Right now.


Do you see?


Check this.

When you look back on yesterday, what do you remember?

Did anything move your heart?

Did anything change?

Were you living or just making a living?


Life is short.

Shorter than you think.

There’s no time to rush.


What if?

You made it your intention to be present.

To listen deeply.

To open your heart.


Don’t overlook the person who needs your encouragement.

Your support.

Your belief.

Your friendship.


What if?

You chose to be aware of what lies behind the messages.

To recognize the fears behind the conflict.

To feel the wounds that build the walls.

To be a voice of reconciliation.


Don’t hold back the words that need to be said.

Words that clarify.

Words that connect.

Words that heal.


What if?

You laughed a little more.

Cried a little more.

Showed up at someone’s desk.

To bring them the gift of a smile.


Consider this an invitation to a take personal inventory.

To stop for a moment and notice what’s happening to your days.

To notice how you’re spending them.

And who you’re spending them with.

Work time is your life time.

Live it on purpose.


“We feel the demands of our work. We are the leaders of teams, transformers of raw materials, the movers of information, the transporters of goods, the providers of service and

we are much more.”


Navigating the Inner World of Leadership


The truth for me is that I spend a lot more time dealing with the inner world of leadership than I do the outer world.

The inner world of emotions, beliefs, fears, ambitions, expectations, hurts, hang-ups, self-image and so on.

The outer world of leadership is presented as a series of formulas, theories, tips, and systems.

Inputs and outputs.

All very useful.

But only part of the story.

The inner world is messy.

It routinely defies our best-laid plans and puts us at odds with the image we are trying to maintain.

It complicates all those pretty formulas.

It affects our outer world experiences.

How we treat people.

How we react to problems.

How we respond to success.

How we feel about our work.

To name a few.

When there is a disconnect between our outer world and our inner world we may suffer. We can feel the gap and we worry that we will be exposed or start feeling that we are not worthy of the gifts or opportunities we have been given.

The challenges of our inner world can sneak up on us, prompted by some new experience or triggered by an unrelated but painfully familiar context. For some of us this is further complicated by hurts inflicted on us early in life. These reactions often defy logic; compelling us to behave irrationally or launching us into an imaginary story that robs us of our wisdom, awareness and energy.

To navigate the outer world of leadership, we must learn to navigate our inner world and recognize that these same stories are playing out in everyone we support and serve. If we deny, suppress or judge these experiences they will find a way to manifest themselves, often in ways that defeat our true intentions.

There are no one-size-fits-all maps for this journey. Every story is unique. The path is revealed only in the present moment. One small step at a time.

Yet there are some actions we can take that will help to light the way.

We can develop a circle of friends that we trust with our story and who meet our difficulties with compassion, attentive listening and considerate counsel.

We can spend time each day in reflection, journaling, meditation, prayer or other similar activities that allow us to listen to our hearts and meet our struggles with acceptance, forgiveness and compassion as we set our intention to become more like the person we long to be.

We can make the time to read books, learn from the stories of others and listen to teaching that helps us gain perspective on our inner life and learn how we might overcome some of the obstacles we face.

We can learn to be vulnerable with the people we serve in our leadership. Letting them in on the fact that we know we’re not perfect, that we struggle too and that we need their help.

We can learn to pause and recognize that while these thoughts feel very real, that doesn’t make them true. There may be more to the story if we will accept the present emotion yet remain still, listen and open up to other possibilities.

Every day as leaders we are navigating these two, interconnected worlds.

Our willingness to accept this perspective and embrace the opportunities and challenges it presents will have a deep impact on how we experience this time in our lives and how we influence the people with whom we come in contact.

If you have thoughts on this topic please join the conversation by sharing your comments below.

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