Month: June 2015 (page 1 of 2)

“We are the Story” - The Beauty of Leading in Community


“Community happens when people give their best to achieve a common purpose because they appreciate, enjoy and care deeply about the people with whom they are serving.”

Consider some of your most powerful, emotional and memorable work and life experiences.

For many of us our “best moments” involved accomplishing something challenging while working alongside people with whom we developed a strong connection.

Achieving the goal or addressing the need provided a temporary satisfaction. What we remember in the long run is the people with whom we shared the journey.

We are inspired and changed by these connections.

Maybe there is a story that comes to your mind right now. Faces of people who will stay with you for a lifetime.

Community brings out the best in us.

  • In a community, we learn to appreciate the beautiful differences in other human beings.
  • In a community, we soften our edges and learn to become vulnerable.
  • In a community, we create a collective force that is greater than any individual.
  • In a community, we let our weaknesses play to the strengths of others so that we can contribute our best.
  • In a community, we are seen and appreciated for who we are, a fundamental human need.
  • In a community, we have a purpose that transcends and yet inspires the organizational goal.
  • In a community, we move from pretense toward authenticity and transparency.
  • In a community, we stretch and challenge one another in an environment of mutual respect.
  • In a community, we multiply our joys and share our difficulties.
  • In a community, we tell our stories.

“In a community - WE are the story.”

A loving community provides the foundation for some of our deepest emotional needs; releasing our courage, passion and energy for the work at hand.

Is there a greater force for good on this planet?

What else can multiply leadership and elevate the potential of human beings like a powerful community?

We’ve seen this unfolding before our eyes.

Why then is creating a work environment that supports community so rarely a priority?

Start with three small but profound leadership changes.

  1. Make relationships a priority and create opportunities for people to connect on a personal level.
  2. Create a safe environment with values that support authenticity and mutual respect.
  3. Be the first to tell your story, to make yourself known, to show people it’s safe.

Don’t measure it. Don’t tie it to goals or outcomes. Don’t make it a campaign.

You can’t force community. Just let it unfold and nurture its growth. Start with your circle and let it expand from there. You already know what if feels like. You’ve been there.

Can’t change the whole organization?…then build a community where you are and expand your influence.

Got serious organizational challenges or a toxic culture? Consider the difficulties faced by other communities who came together to make a positive difference despite facing longstanding traditions and overwhelming obstacles.

And they did.

And you can too.

If you’re one of those people who dreams about changing the world or changing lives. This is where it happens. This is the path to building memories and meaning that will make the long days, the hard work, the laughter and the tears, all worthwhile.

I feel there is much here left unsaid. A blog post is such a small space for such a significant topic. I welcome your help to fill in the blanks.


Love ain’t a thing, love is a verb.” - John Mayer

A Leader’s Relationship with Fear


Fear is the unseen hand that influences almost everything we do.

It is present in every relationship.

It intervenes in every decision.

It responds to every event.

It assumes every intent.

We’re wired for fear.

And we don’t like to talk about it.

That sounds pretty dramatic, but I’m really just setting the context. Our minds are designed to protect us. In every situation we experience, the brain is on the look-out for anything that might present a physical, emotional or personal risk.

Depending on the beliefs we have developed about the world, and ourselves, the fear voice may be more or less intense, but it will be there nonetheless. When you think about it, there are many scenarios, every day, in our lives and in our role as a leader, that can trigger a fear response.

Fear of rejection

Fear of judgment

Fear of failure

Fear of loss

Fear of being exposed

To name a few.

You may be familiar with the natural responses to fear.




There really is no way to avoid this natural fear response and, paradoxically, any effort to refuse, reject or run from our fears is likely to give them more, not less power over our lives.

If we are unaware of the influence our fear is having on our choices and actions, or fail to respond appropriately, the impact will be significant.

We lose access to our intelligence.

We lose access to our creativity.

We lose access to spontaneity.

We lose access to our heart.

We become limited to protective, reactive and impulsive responses versus skillful, informed and thoughtful choices. These conscious or unconscious choices can derail our leadership, our ability to influence and the trust we have worked so hard to cultivate.

They inspire controlling, manipulating and avoidance behaviors, none of which will result in the types of outcomes we truly desire. In fact, they will likely generate more of the scenarios that we intended to avoid in the first place.

So what are we to do?

Only by accepting and embracing our fears can we move beyond them and make new options available and, therefore, possible. You’ve probably heard this before, but what does it look like?

It looks like acceptance instead of avoidance.

It looks like compassion instead of judgment.

It looks like connection instead isolation.

It looks like expanding instead of contracting.

It looks like curiosity instead of control.

In simplest terms, we make a friend of our fear. We expect this visitor and we invite them to sit down and talk. We empathize with this friend, hearing their concerns and offering alternatives while affirming their desire to help, to protect us. We listen compassionately to the fear story, but we don’t make it our story.

Instead of rejecting this part of ourselves we learn to let it serve us while we develop the strength to respond proactively and effectively. We tune into resources that are bigger than our fear such as our faith, our community, our beliefs, and values. We recognize that love is always available, even when we’re scared.

And if some of our fears come to fruition, we are better prepared to accept the outcome knowing we made the best choice we could with the resources available to us and so we learn from the experience move on. We appreciate that life is unpredictable and that pain is unavoidable if we are going to move into the world and try to make a difference.

What is your relationship with fear? How does this influence your leadership? Your relationships?

Please share.

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” - Marcus Aurelius

(Credit to Tara Brach on a recent podcast, Beyond the Fear Body, for providing the inspiration for and a few of the points outlined in this post)

Revisiting: A Glimpse Into a Life

“I had a glimpse into the life…the person I wanted to be and I was afraid I could never be that.” - Umberto Crenca, Founder AS220

This quote expressed in a powerful story I heard during BIF10, struck me deeply. In a moment of clarity and vision, Umberto saw what he was meant to do and who he was meant to be. Beyond this recognition, he experienced the intense emotional pain that came with knowing the path he was on, the life he had accepted until that moment, would never lead him to that place. He had to make a choice.

This choice. This terrible, life-altering, difficult and beautiful choice.

To see beyond the expectations and obligations placed upon our lives by others, or ourselves, into a life we know we were meant to live. Once we have this vision in our head it haunts us. We may decide “stay the course” or “be responsible”, but the vision will reappear, time and time again. We try to negotiate, set conditions, skirt the border of our vision but we know deep inside the only way to get there is to go all the way, to embrace it fully and trade what we have to go where our heart leads us.

Our life. Our one life.

Can we look fully, unflinchingly on our calling and deny it? So many do. That’s why those who follow their vision become a source of inspiration. We see in their lives what is possible for us. Their stories are filled with wrong turns, false starts and hard experiences, but we never hear them say…”I wish I had stuck to the original plot”.

Every day we have this choice.

We can know what we know. We can honestly evaluate our direction and pay attention to what makes us come alive. We can open our eyes to what is possible and to who we were meant to be and accept the truth. We can wrestle with the choice and seek the courage to act. Then move forward, one step at a time or in a giant leap.

Just move.

Or we can pretend we do not know, make reasons to stay where we are, and try to squeeze some joy out of our quiet desperation. Eventually, the vision will fade, revived occasionally by an unexpected encounter but quickly returned to the hiding place where we keep it safe for someday.

What will you do with your beautiful choice?

This post was originally published in September 2014. As I was reflecting on these thoughts recently I felt compelled to repost them on my new blog in the hope that they will inspire someone who is facing a difficult decision or at a crossroad in their life.

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